Is deprecated?

No, and Setuptools are not deprecated.

Setuptools is perfectly usable as a build backend for packaging Python projects. And is a valid configuration file for Setuptools that happens to be written in Python, instead of in TOML for example (a similar practice is used by other tools like nox and its configuration file, or pytest and

However, python and the use of as a command line tool are deprecated.

This means that commands such as the following MUST NOT be run anymore:

  • python install

  • python develop

  • python sdist

  • python bdist_wheel

What commands should be used instead?



python install

python -m pip install .

python develop

python -m pip install --editable .

python sdist

python -m build [1]

python bdist_wheel

In order to install a setuptools based project, it was common to run’s install command such as: python install. Nowadays, the recommended method is to use pip directly with a command like this one: python -m pip install .. Where the dot . is actually a file system path, it is the path notation for the current directory. Indeed, pip accepts a path to a project’s source tree directory on the local filesystem as argument to its install sub-command. So this would also be a valid command: python -m pip install path/to/project.

As for the installation in develop mode aka editable mode, instead of python develop one can use the --editable option of pip’s install sub-command: python -m pip install --editable ..

One recommended, simple, and straightforward method of building source distributions and wheels is to use the build tool with a command like python -m build which triggers the generation of both distribution formats. If necessary the --sdist and --wheel options can be used to generate only one or the other. Note that the build tool needs to be installed separately.

The command python install was deprecated in setuptools version 58.3.0.

What about other commands?

What are some replacements for the other python commands?

python test

The recommendation is to use a test runner such as pytest.

python check, python register, and python upload

A trusted replacement is twine:

  • python -m twine check --strict dist/*

  • python -m twine register dist/*.whl [2]

  • python -m twine upload dist/*

python --version

A possible replacement solution (among others) is to rely on setuptools-scm:

  • python -m setuptools_scm

Remaining commands

This guide does not make suggestions of replacement solutions for those commands:

  • alias

  • bdist

  • bdist_dumb

  • bdist_egg

  • bdist_rpm

  • build

  • build_clib

  • build_ext

  • build_py

  • build_scripts

  • clean

  • dist_info

  • easy_install

  • editable_wheel

  • egg_info

  • install_data

  • install_egg_info

  • install_headers

  • install_lib

  • install_scripts

  • rotate

  • saveopts

  • setopt

  • upload_docs

What about custom commands?

Likewise, custom commands are deprecated. The recommendation is to migrate those custom commands to a task runner tool or any other similar tool. Some examples of such tools are: chuy, make, nox or tox, pydoit, pyinvoke, taskipy, and thx.

What about custom build steps?

Custom build steps that for example either overwrite existing steps such as build_py, build_ext, and bdist_wheel or add new build steps are not deprecated. Those will be automatically called as expected.

Should be deleted?

Although the usage of as an executable script is deprecated, its usage as a configuration file for setuptools is absolutely fine. There is likely no modification needed in

Is pyproject.toml mandatory?

While it is not technically necessary yet, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for a project to have a pyproject.toml file at the root of its source tree with a content like this:

requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

The guide How to modernize a based project? has more details about this.

The standard fallback behavior for a build frontend in the absence of a pyproject.toml file and its [build-system] table is to assume that the build backend is setuptools.

Why? What does it all mean?

One way to look at it is that the scope of setuptools has now been reduced to the role of a build backend.

Where to read more about this?